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5 Reasons why People with Melanin may look older with dry skin instead of younger

Let me tell you, there is nothing worse than dry, dehydrated, droopy looking skin so being in my 50's I have learned some things through the years and I'd like to share them with you. Leave me some comments, if these are helpful, would love the feedback on if this info helps. When I first started going to the beach I was guilty of putting on heavy make-up and covering up my body with extra layers of clothing.

Not that I'm into showing everything off anyway but I was feeling a little uncomfortable with how my skin's texture may have appeared considering, California is the home of "The Beautiful People" with athletic bodies.

I had already been Vegan for about 8 years but had a few relapses and relied on too much processed foods that have absolutely no nutritional value so I needed to clean it up. When I did, about one year into changing the way I ate again, back to an all plant-based (meaning lots of fruits and vegetables, nuts) in my daily eating, I started to look younger than I did in my early 20's.

This happened also when I started surfing, being in the Sun 4 -5 days a week, most of the time with no sunscreen on.. Especially as a Melanated Person, our pigmentation absorbs harmful UV (Ultraviolet) rays and protects our cells from Sun damage which helps us to look younger longer than People with little to no melanin.

Also skin replaces itself every 30 to 45 days but there are quite a few things that can dramatically disrupt that natural anti-aging substance we have and those are:

  • Inflammation from acidic food can lead to accelerated aging and chronic fatigue syndrome.

  • oxidative stress caused by metabolic dysfunction which can lead to cardiovascular diseases such as  high blood pressure, unstable blook sugar,  memory loss, wrinkles, grey hair, muscle/or joint pain.

  • Dehydration 

  • Dryness caused by lack of healthy Lipid function

So that old statement we've all heard most of our lives, You are what you eat has a direct affect on the appearance of how healthy our skin looks.

5 things to produce better looking, younger skin are:

  • Omega 3,6 & 9 Fatty Acids moisturizers the skin, improve balanced hydration, controls inflammation in the body and helps produce collagen giving the appearance of softness and silky texture. Foods that contain Omegas are Chia Seeds, Flaxseeds, Brussel Sprouts, Soybean oil, Industrial hemp, edible Seaweed, Spinach, Tofu, Eggs, Cod liver Oil, Fish Oil, Walnuts, Salmon, Oysters, Sardine, and Herring.
  • Lycopene helps prevent fine lines and wrinkles in the skin. It is an anti-oxidant that help prevent and undo damage to collagen. Foods that contain Lycopene are Red Cabbage, Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Asparagus, Watermelon, Papaya, Grapefruit and Tomatoes.
  • Vitamin C reduces the signs of aging, improving skin elasticity, fewer wrinkles and give your skin a natural glow. Foods that are high in Vitamin C are Broccoli, Kale, Cauliflower, Pineapple, Potatoes, Leafy Greens, , Black Currant, Lemon, Bell Peppers, Strawberries, Kiwi and Citrus fruits.
  • Vitamin E is a nutrient that's important for the health of your brain, blood and skin. Foods High in Vitamin E are Spinach, Avocados, Mango, Sweet Potato, Carrots Squash, Sunflower Seeds and Nuts
  • Polyphenols have DNA repair activities that prevent skin disorders caused by excessive exposure to solar UV light. It's an anti-oxidant that fights inflammation. Foods that have Polyphenols are Grapes, Berries, Cherries, Cocoa powder, Onions, Vegetables, Olive Oil, Coffee, Green Tea and Dark Chocolate.
So let's not take this melanin for granted and continue to make better choices so we can look hydrated and healthy. 
Welcome to Creatively Cultured, a BIPOC Woman-led blog site to inspire and empower lifestyle entrepreneurs who love beach culture and traveling, while at the intersection of cultural exploration, and sustainable living, providing insights that promote health, wellness, and responsible tourism.
