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6 Methods to get Dry, Dusty looking skin back glowing again

Before and After Selfie comparison of dull skin vs hydrated skin

It's getting cold outside and some of us like the heat turned up to tropical mode. Unless you have a humidifier, It's also around this time of year that your skin may be looking a little dusty and feeling extra dry from dehydration. 

It can be puzzling because you've been using your regular beauty and skin care routines religiously but due to the lack of moisture in the air caused by coming in and going out of heated environments like our homes we see this unwelcomed transformation. 

I love sleeping in a nice, cozy warm room but waking up looking dull and shriveled is crazy since I don't have a humidifier. I'm thinking about using my diffuser as one in the meantime, what do you think? Should I try it?  Literally, three weeks ago, my skin was still glowing, looking all supple and fresh, then overnight it was like what happened?  

Seasonal Changes affect your skin

Just like the seasons change, so should our hair, skin and body care; note to self because I almost forgot. I've been sharing this information with my clients for years and then I had an aha moment that I needed to take my own advice. 

Our hair, body and skin have different needs in different seasons. During the winter, we are feel less thirsty because of not sweating as much and our bodies cool down more tricking us into thinking we are hydrated, without sweat as an indicator we don't get those signals. 

Also, during the holidays, we're probably eating more soups seasoned with more salt or drinking more alcohol at gatherings with friends. All adds up to the changes we are starting to see.  Now that we got that gentle reminder that we need to make a few quick changes.

Here are some recommendations that can get your skin hydrated again

Use these for hydrated skin: drink infused water, take vitamin e supplements, use shea butter on your face

  1.  Of course the obvious, Drink more water. I know it's hard to get more water in when you're not feeling as thirsty. Infusing that water with cucumber, mint and some oranges are a great boost.
  2. Getting proper amounts of vitamin D, Zinc, Magnesium, Fish Oil and Vitamin E will get your skin looking hydrated again. (consult with your health care professional )
  3. Eat water rich foods that will help you stay hydrated like Cucumbers, Lettuce, Oranges, Zucchini, Celery, Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Grapefruit and Coconut Water. 
  4.  Jojoba OilApricot Oil and Almond Oil
  5. Clean your make-up brushes minimum once a week and if you're getting your make-up done, make sure that the brushes are clean as well. 
  6. Don't forget to put moisturizer on your face at night. 
Most of all don't go to bed with make up on your face which will absorb into your skin and clog up your pores causing skin irritations. Always wash your face and moisturize.  Click the link below to see if Shea butter or Palm Oil for dry skin is right for you.

Check out this post for more helpful tips 

 #skincare #winterskincare #dehyratedskin #dullskin 

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