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4 Amazing Benefits of Arnica and Glucosamine for Surfers with achy joints

Surfing is such a thrilling adventure for me but it's also a very physically demanding sport that requires a lot of stamina, endurance, strength and flexibility. As a surfer who started in my mid-40's, I've went through the experiences of aches, pains and injuries that interfered with my performance and enjoyment of the sport. In this blog, I want to tell you all about how the benefits of how using arnica and glucosamine have helped me recover. 

It wasn't until a few years ago when I got a torn meniscus that directly effected how I surfed. I couldn't do a normal pop up for 2 years then I found Arnica, a herb that's been used for centuries to treat pain and inflammation. It is commonly applied topically in the form of creams or gels. Arnica contains compounds that are thought to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and speed up the healing process. Literally I just stopped writing this blog and went to put some on my knees, back and shoulders because ain't nobody got time for those problems anymore. 

For my fellow surfers who have achy joints like myself, this can be particularly beneficial for treating sore muscles, joint pain, and bruises that can result after an intense surf session or when getting pounded in the impact zone on a big swell day.

Glucosamine is a compound that is naturally found in the body and is a building block for cartilage, the connective tissue that cushions our joints. According to what I've read, as we age our bodies may produce less glucosamine, which can lead to joint stiffness and pain. Taking glucosamine supplements or applying it topically like I do works for me in minutes with reducing my knees start to make those creaky sounds. It may help you by supporting joint health and maintaining joint flexibility which helps to prevent injuries. 

Some of the specific benefits of using Arnica and Glucosamine for Surfers with achy joints

  1. Reduced Inflammation. Arnica and glucosamine are both known for their anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce swelling and pain in joints and muscles. This can be particularly beneficial for surfers who may experience inflammation as a result of repetitive motion or injury. 
  2. Improved joint health. Glucosamine has been shown to help maintain the health of cartilage in the joints, which can help to reduce the stiffness and reduce our joint pain. I don't know about you but when I go up and down those mountains, carry my 9'1 longboard and backpack, then having to paddle out to surf, then return to the car to my surfboard on top, change and all the rest of the stuff, I'm pretty sore after all that, what about you?
  3. Speedier recovery. You know when being out of the Ocean for a long time, that surf bug hits so, arnica has been shown to speed up the healing process by reducing inflammation and promoting blood flow to the affected area. This can be particularly beneficial for surfers who want to get back in the water as quickly as possible after an injury. 
  4. Fewer side effects. Arnica and glucosamine are both natural remedies that are generally well-tolerated by most People. Unlike prescription pain medications, they are less likely to cause side effects such as drowsiness of stomach upset. 

So as far as natural remedies are concerned, which is a common theme you'll find me talking about here, they both can be a powerful combo to maintain joint health, reduce inflammation, ease pain and speed up the healing process after an injury. Of course, as with any supplement or medication, it's important you to your healthcare provider because I'm not a Doctor, lol. But I have found some amazing benefits of what's working for me. Be sure that they are safe and appropriate for you. Have a great surf session when all this rain stops. 

Welcome to Creatively Cultured, a BIPOC Woman-led blog site to inspire and empower lifestyle entrepreneurs who love beach culture and traveling, while at the intersection of cultural exploration, and sustainable living, providing insights that promote health, wellness, and responsible tourism.
