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It takes Courage to Embrace Your Sexy Greatness


I want to take a moment to share a personal journey with you. A journey that has shaped me into the person I am today, living life as a 53 years young Surfer and Entrepreneur. It's a story of embracing my sexy greatness, defying expectations, and finding my true calling in life. 

So, it here go! Picture this: I'm a mother of three children, pouring all my love and energy into raising them while building a career as a professional hairstylist.  For years, my world revolved around them, and my hair business that started in Detroit, then moved to Las Vegas, then to California to give them a better life. I wouldn't have had it any other way. 

But as they grew older and started pursuing their own dreams, along with experiencing the burnout of having the same career for 30 years. I felt a tug in my heart, a longing to reconnect with my own desires and unleash my inner potential. Inspired by the extraordinary clientele of Executives, Social Media Influencers, Hollywood Actresses, Millionaires and a few Billionaires who's growth mindset was not that different than my own. Being invited into their homes, seeing what could very well be possible for me gave me the fuel to try a new path. 

 With my nest becoming emptier, I made a bold decision. I refused to let age define me or limit my dreams. So, in my mid- 40s, I decided to dive headfirst into the world of surfing. Yes, you heard that right, surfing! It took courage to paddle out into those waves, but each time I conquered one, I felt an incredible surge of empowerment. 

Surfing became a symbol of my determination to face life's challenges fearlessly and embrace my sexy greatness. This journey of self-discovery, healing from a lot of trauma opened up a whole new world to me. I realized the power of living authentically. I embraced my unique qualities, passions, and quirks. Inspired by my own transformation, I took the leap and tried my hand at a few other businesses until I decided on consulting for small businesses. I wanted to empower others to unlock their true potential and live life on their own terms. I knew that my story, with all its ups and downs, could serve as a guiding light for those seeking change and personal growth. 

 Confidence became my strongest ally on this journey because sometimes you don't want to tell anyone what you're doing. So, I dove deep into confidence building techniques, shattering the barriers of self-doubt that had held me back for far too long. Every day, my belief in myself grew stronger, radiating an infectious energy that inspired those around me. Age and life experiences were not limitations but stepping stones to success. 

 But it wasn't just about professional growth. I engaged in deep self-reflection, uncovering my strengths, weaknesses, and core values. This self-awareness helped me embrace my sexy greatness a combination of confidence, authenticity, and feminine power that set me on fire. And let me tell you, it was a game-changer! 

 As my consulting business has grown as well as celebrating my 10th Anniversary of being a Black Surfer now in my 50's.  I've became more passionate about body positivity and self-love. I shattered society's narrow beauty standards, encouraging others to celebrate all facets of themselves and embrace their unique beauty. Through my own journey of acceptance and self-love, I ignited a small movement of empowerment, a movement that reminds women everywhere to love themselves, flaws and all. But this journey wasn't just about success and empowerment; it was about raising my standards in all aspects of life. 

I surrounded myself with a tribe of amazing individuals who shared my mindset and fueled my fire. Together, we found joy, passion, and purpose in every moment. We discovered the profound truth that living with integrity and doing what makes our hearts light up is the key to fulfillment. So, my dear Sun Tribe, I am here today as a testament to the power of embracing your sexy greatness. I am living proof that age is just a number and that you can rewrite your story at any stage of life. I invite you all to join me on this incredible journey of self-discovery, self-love, and personal transformation.

 Let's celebrate our uniqueness, empower one another, and live life to the fullest. Because when we embrace our sexy greatness, we become unstoppable forces of nature; inspiring, empowering, and creating positive change in the world. Thank you for reading my story and feel free to "Go ahead Sis Embrace your Sexy Greatness" with this transformative book available on Amazon. Grand Rising! Order today on Amazon 

Read this post  if you want to learn my perspective on transforming your life in 90 days

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